Facebook is monolithic. What is the non-aligned set of apps that has equivalent functionality? Could they be federated together?
Archive for the ‘Sentences’ Category
The BioManufactured Brick. Low…
The BioManufactured Brick. Low carbon will be slower. http://blog.makezine.com/archive/2010/05/biomanufactured_brick_needs_no_firi.html #in
gmail should allow filtering b…
gmail should allow filtering based on whether you are CCed or BCCed.
Things are further along than …
Things are further along than I thought http://www.freedomofcreation.com/home/pechakucha-night-with-janne-kyttanen #in
@cpoff I am interested in gett…
@cpoff I am interested in getting a hold of a Google Voice invite if you have one